페이지 정보

작성자 test008 작성일 24-03-26 17:58


By sticking to only the best domestic ingredients and researching and developing  traditional processing methods, it succeeded in succession of various processed products s uch as Smellless Cheonggukjang and Jiri Mountain Pickled Vegetables. In addition, due to its thorough hygiene, it has established itself in the market for high-end pastries as a young brand  called "Piagol Miseon" by acquiring HACCP certification for pastries and pickles, which is rare in the traditional  fermented food industry. CEO Kim, who became the youngest female head of the country with the succession of the village elders, is currently gaining the trust of the village as a third-term head of the village through returning profits from Jirisan Phiagol Food to the region and creating added value  again. In addition, it sells local agricultural products to its own shopping mall, or conducts online and offline sales on behalf of local residents to promote win-win with local residents.